
#201: Remote Control Rigging


While driving away from some pursuers, Applejack tells the remotely controlled gun-truck she has following her to fire on the vehicle chasing her.

GM (OC): "Alright... so you're telling this to shoot the car chasing you. Easy enough. Roll the pilot rating, target 3"
*Applejack rolls the pilot rating 2, 2 successes*

GM (OC): "It understands you perfectly. Now you roll the amount of dice equal to it's sensor rating for it's shot. What's the sensor rating on it?"

Applejack: ".... 1."

#200: Pure Poetry


Zerk, being his usual gloomy self when it comes to trying to stay alive, has the following advice for Applejack.

Zerk (IC):"There isn't much time for sunshine when you're in the shadows."
Applejack (IC): "Oh! That's so poetic!"
Zerk (IC): "I thought you might enjoy that."
Applejack (IC): "I should put it on a T-shirt! Oh, oh, I know, a bumper sticker!"
Zerk (IC): "Yeah, right... good plan. Just announce to the world that you're a professional criminal."

#199: First time runners


Applejack, very naive, is excited to go on her first ever run. She's getting a good talking to from her fixer (who has been taking care of her).

GM (Shaun, IC): "Now remember, don't drink and drive, watch out for bullets, make sure your gun has a reflective strip on it so drivers won't run you over, and if you don't think it's a trap... it's a trap!"

Applejack (IC): "What are you, my dad??"
GM (Shaun, IC): "Close enough! I don't see anyone else around taking care of you!"

Applejack (IC): "This is exactly why I left my parents back in Georgia!"
GM (Shaun, IC): "Now remember, don't come back TOO late. And I'll expect you to be here at work tomorrow, or you won't get your allowance! Er... paycheck!"

#198: Runners and Guns


Smokes and Twinkletoes walk into an (apparently) abandoned warehouse after taking out the guards outside. Failing their perception checks, they don't notice the guy behind them. This guy puts a gun to Smoke's back.

GM (as guy): "Don't move. I'll shoot."
Smokes: "Get that gun off me! I'm going to give you 5 seconds or else you're getting a death touch. 5.... 4.... 3..."

*The guy pulls the gun, Smokes takes a severe wound*
GM (as guy): "Told you... what does dying get you?"

Somehow.... Smokes lived.

#197: Friendly Banter


About 15 minutes into your walk, Twinkletoes gives you a call just as he gets home from work.

Smokes: "Smokes. Is this the toes of the twink?"

Twinkletoes: "Come on... that was one time! I was drunk! Can't you give a man a break for being drunk?"

Smokes: "Nuh-uh, not until you stop telling people about the time I sat on you."

Twinkletoes: "At least I was drunk! What's your excuse?"

#196: Gangers


Smokes is attempting to PEACEFULLY enter some ganger territory. The gangers who stop her at the entrance to the territory aren't too excited to see her.

GM (as ganger): "Who're you?"

Smokes: "Name is Smokes. And no, I'm NOT a cop."

GM (as ganger): "That sounds like something a cop WOULD say."

Smokes: "I used to be... but that was about 5 years ago."

GM (as ganger): "Hmm....."

#195: Gang Advice


Smokes is talking to Feral about the merits of taking on a gang. Feral isn't too excited about the prospect.

GM (as Feral): "I certainly wouldn't want to fight them by myself. I'd guess they have.... about 100 people based on the amount of territory they control?"

Smokes: "Ugh... I suppose I could always try the thing Spinner suggested and"

*Smokes makes massive air quotes*
Smokes: "talk to them"

GM (as Feral): "Yes... you should try that!"

#194: Calling Sleep


Smokes, at midnight, has called her ganger friend to try convince him to get her into another gang's territory. Spinner unwillingly answers.

GM (As Spinner): "Why did you have to call at midnight?"
Smokes: "You know me, detectives don't sleep"

GM (As Spinner): "Are you aware that other people do? Do you also know that you can too?"
Smokes: "But this is important! If I don't get this I could die!"

GM (As Spinner): "I've only heard about these guys being violent towards Halloweeners like myself. Have you tried just talking to the people?"
Smokes: "I'll give it a try, but if I die, I'm coming back to haunt you!"

GM (as Spinner) "Can you at least haunt me during waking hours?"
Smokes: "No!"

#193: New Johnson pt. 2


Throughout the negotiations with the new Johnson, Twinkletoes asks several questions. Looking over the intel at the end, he has a startling conclusion.

Twinkletoes (OC): "So far, we have the following information on the missing person. His home address, his work address, his commlink number, his friend's name (the Johnson), the Johnson's work address, and the Johnson's commlink number. I could probably ask for the Johnson's address and get it too...."

#192: New Johnson


Twinkletoes has heard that a new Johnson is looking for a job. When he shows up, the Johnson is VERY new and nervous. Twinkletoes walks up to the table, introduces himself, places his credstick on the table, and glances at it significantly.

GM (as Johnson): "Oh... um.... I'm new to this, how much does this usually run?"

*Without missing a beat, Twinkletoes spits out some nonsense.*

Twinkletoes (IC): "It runs 150¥ for the initial consultation. Accepting the actual job does, of course, run more."

*The Johnson immediately slots his credstick and pays up*

#191: Backups


There's been a break in, and Smokes needs a decker. Lacking her usual adorable, annoying decker (Doe), she turns to a backup decker.

Smokes (OC): "I think I need to call Decrypt. He's a reasonably skilled, but not very professional."

GM (OC): "What? Decrypt? Not professional? How could you?!"

Smokes (OC): "I'll never tell him that to his face though. Can't have him know that I think he's skilled..."

#190: A Planned Kidnapping


Twinkletoes has an odd way of kidnapping people. The target was panicked, and Twinkletoes was very reassuring. The target was told several times that he was safe and that no one had any ill will towards him. Twinkletoes even gave him some bottled water to keep him comfy.

Smokes (OC): "You've gotta be the kindest kidnapper ever."

Twinkletoes (OC): "Just because I'm kidnapping someone against their will doesn't mean I have to be a dick about it."

#189: Sometimes a Job is needed to finish a Job


Twinkletoes applies for a job for the city sanitation department.

GM (As manager): "You ever worked trash before?"
Twinkletoes (IC): "I've watched trash, but that's an entirely different story."
GM (As manager): "Sounds like you're probably qualified then!"

#188: Grenade Refresh Needed


Twinkletoes is talking to his friendly decker about needing to restock his grenade stash.

Twinkletoes (IC): "I need to finish this job, get paid, and restock on my gaseous oblong thingies."

GM (as Decrypt): "Stuffer shack beans?"

Twinkletoes (IC): "If I could weaponize those, I'd be unstoppable."

GM (as Decrypt): "Yeah, there's a reason we don't eat there anymore."

#187: Metagaming


Smokes is arranging a meeting with a detective who has been stalking her. Since she's a bit worried, she's hiring one of her orc friends to be a lookout. They finally settle on 1000Y for the lookout duties for the evening.

GM (as Spinner): "Oh yeah... time to get one of those new trid games!"

Smokes (IC): "My fixer actually has me playing one of those."

GM (as Spinner): "That new one? With the dragons?"

Smokes (IC): "Dragonfall? Yeah"

GM (as Spinner): "I don't know how historical it is, but it's a fantastic game..."

Twinkletoes (OC): "Is this what's known as 'metagaming'?"

#186: Friendship for Mead


Twinkletoes has been buying beer by the keg for a dwarf that saved his life. The dwarf has recently put in a good word with a landlord so Twinkletoes can get a new house. In return, Twinkletoes wants to return the favor with somre more mead.

Twinkletoes (IC): "I'll probably be putting in another order for some mead here soon. Aero has been quite nice to me."

GM (As Phil): "With how much you're buying, I'll have to give you a bulk discount."

Twinkletoes (IC): "Yeah... the guy is a dwarf, but somehow he gives me a run for my money when it comes to drinking contests. I don't know where they put the alcohol."

GM (As Phil): "I think it goes to their beards."

#185: Drunk Trolls


Smokes has recently found out that she has a stalker. In the meantime, Twinkletoes, who has just found a place to live far away from people who want to kill him, has been celebrating with one of his friends using copious amounts of mead.

Smokes (IC): "What does this guy want from me? This file has too much information on me."
Smokes (OC): "I'm going to give twinkletoes a call and talk about this"

Twinkletoes (IC): "You have reached the toes of the twink... er... twinkly toes...er... twinkletoes."
Smokes (IC): "What the... Are you ok??"

*The players lost it at this point and the game had to pause while everyone recovered from laughter*

#184: Twinkletoes and Grenades


The GM and Twinkletoes are looking over the rules about grenades after Twinkletoes' recent run-in with a Humanis Policlub group. The GM mentions the grenade throwing range table.

Twinkletoes (OC): "Wait a minute... there's a specific table for grenades? I thought that was all tied back to the weapon range table"

GM: "Oh yeah, take a look on page 119."

*Twinkletoes takes a quick look*

Twinkletoes (OC): "Oh wow, that would have really changed things if I'd know this. Based on this table, I can throw further than a grenade launcher... and more accurately too!"

GM: "Well... we did already know that he could throw some guns further than he could shoot them."

Twinkletoes (OC): "I mean, yeah... but I like this better!"

#183: Aftereffects of Existing While Troll


Arriving to Twinkletoes' former home, Smokes takes a quick look around. Signs of a battle greet her eyes. Spent gas grenade canisters and gun shell casings litter the ground. Just down the street, a memorial is being erected at the Humanis Policlub meeting center.

Smokes(IC): "Oh, Twinkletoes, what did you do??"

Twinkletoes (OC): "Oh, the racism is starting a bit early today, isn't it? You think I did this??"

#182: Racism At Its Finest


Twinkletoes, having recently been gassed by his own gas grenade, is somewhat befuddled.

Twinkletoes (OC): "Let's see if twinkletoes remembers whether or not some Humanis Policlub members saw him leave home..."
*Rolls dice, gets no hits*

Twinkletoes (OC): "Welp, Twinkletoes heads home to regroup."
GM (OC): "Oh no... I didn't plan for this happening yet. Here we go: Twinkletoes walks home. As he nears the sewer grate, someone shouts."
GM (IC, as someone): "There he is, Get 'em boys!"

GM (OC): "Will Twinkletoes survive? Find out next time on Shadowrun!"