
#221: Wheels 2.0?


Applejack is explaining why she's not taking her attack truck on the mission this time.

Applejack: "There might have been an article a few weeks back about a lone-star attack... but I swear it was unintentional!"
GM (OC): "Spoken like a true rigger."
Krieger (OC): "I'm getting Wheels flashbacks."

#220: Don't Do Drugs Kid


Sleaze, ever an animated novacoke addict, has been contacted to find them an address. He brings up the payment details.

GM (as Sleaze): "Ye, ye... let's do biz! 100 nuyen! Ye! Ye! Ye!"
Applejact: "I shoot him over the money."
GM (OC): "Sleaze shoots some more novacoke while you do."

#219: To See or Not to See


Applejack is taking Krieger to Sleaze to get an address. As they walk into the taxidermy shop masquerading as as a bar, Applejack has the following advice.

Applejack: "Alright, don't make eye contact with anyone!"
GM (OC): "The troll behind the counter top immediately makes eye contact"

#218: Awakened Flora


After finding out that the trees around the Arbor Day Foundation are awakened, Krieger has the following advice.

Applejack: "Aww... this is a really pretty place!"
Krieger: "Whatever happens, do try your best not to anger the trees."
GM (OC): "Thankfully Wheels isn't around..."

#217: Wheelin' and Dealin'


After finding out that Applejack has cut a deal with a mysterious person, Zerk is a bit annoyed.

Zerk: "Applejack double dealed on us"
GM (As Shaun): "Boy, that was fast. Second run even. What happened?"
Applejack (OC): "Wait, THAT'S his reaction??"
GM (OC): "Well, yeah... he knows you're new to this."

#216: Hysteria Ensues


Aim-bot comes jogging down to the middle of a stand off. Applejack has panicked, pulled a shotgun on Zerk and is shouting hysterically.

Applejack: "Don't make me! I don't want to hurt you!"
Zerk: "You know, pulling a shotgun on me kinda makes it seem like you want to"
Aim-Bot (OC): "I take in the situation and look a bit concerned."

#215: Cyberzombie Panic


Applejack, bored waiting in the car, checks in with the team who, unbeknownst to her, is ferrying a cyberzombie out of a building.

Applejack: "What's the status?"
Zerk: "Oh god, oh god!"
Applejack: "Are you hurt? Injured?"
Zerk: "No... it's just... the thing."

#214: Baby's First Cyberzombie


Zerk has just come face to face with his first cyberzombie and, understandably, is been a bit shaken. While he tries to calm down, it hisses out some words at Zerk and Aim-Bot.

Applejack (OC): "Did it say 'kill' or 'kill me'?"
Zerk (OC): "I don't know... I heard 'kill' and at that point, my brain shut off."

#213: Project Cyzoi


Zerk opens up the large vault labeled Project Cyzoi. The GM goes into narration mode.

GM (expressively): "The vault doors open slowly with a drawn out hiss, steam billowing out from inside. As the steam clears, you see a hulking form spotlighted in the center. All of it's limbs appear to be cybered, and odd bits of tech protrude from underneath the flesh of it's torso. As you look up into it's twisted face, you give a little jump. It's watching you."

Zerk (IC and OC): "Eep!"

#212: Employee Reviews


Zerk and Aim-Bot have just taken down a guard (nicely).

GM (OC): "You don't know this, but you assume the guard knew he was hosed. You know, he realized that he just stepped into an elevator with two unknown people, that neither of them have any form of ID, and that he needs to go through the motions of security in order to keep himself in a job."
Zerk (OC): "And he did wonderfully! If I could leave a review...."

Zerk (OC): "10/10 run. Went great. The run went magnificent. The guards were magnificent. Friendly, personable, and very efficient at their job. Shoutout to the guard on floor 3. Took that punch like a champ!"

#211: Meat Shield


Upon meeting the newest member of the team, Aim-bot, a Japanese assassin who is still learning the intricacies of the English language

Zerk: "Oh, a long range specialist? Dammit, I suppose I still have to be the meat-shield?"
Aim-Bot: "Yes. Thank you for shielding us with your meat"
Applejack: Laughing her ass off
Zerk: "Yeah.... no!"

#210: When the plan goes south


After finding out his partners abandoned the scene after getting into a firefight with Lonestar, Zerk calls up the fixer to complain about his current partners.

GM:"McCoy here, whats going on Zerk?"
GM:"Why?... What's going on?"
Zerk:"I hear gunshots outside and I hear that Lonestar's in a shootout, one is down, and the suspects are at large... you wanna guess what happened?"

#209: Problems


Zerk, left behind in a corp, calls Applejack, who is on the run from Lonestar.

Zerk: "Where are you?"

Applejack: "I don't know, I'm driving too fast to read the street signs!"

#208: Force or Not?


A discussion on how to handle situations arises.

Applejack (IC): "Brute force isn't the answer to everything!"

GM (OC): "Says the one who used the most brute force last session..."

Zerk (IC): "And HOW many machine guns do you have in that?"

Applejack (IC): "Those are for emergencies only!"

#207: Delivery


Having decided to save the kidnapped person they found in the back of the car they were delivering, Zerk and Applejack deliver the car sans the lady. The people at the warehouse come out to take a look. The person in charge immediately opens the trunk and notices she is missing.

GM (IC, as goons): Alright, where is she?"
Zerk and Applejack (IC, perfect unison): "Where's who??"

GM (as goon): *Sigh*

#206: Hiding a Car


On the run from Lonestar after getting involved in a shootout with them, Applejack is attempting to drive the shiny, gold, stainless-steel-painted-silver rimmed car that she is supposed to be delivering.

GM (OC): "The autonav crackles to life"
GM (IC): "Recalculating... recalculating.... police chase in progress. Calculating best route...."

Applejack (OC): "I try to drive a bit more stealthily. I pull my hat down low over my eyes."

GM (OC): "I don't think that's enough. You'd need a hat for the car itself."

#205: Post Lonestar Shootout


Lonestar, having been dealt with by an ingram valiant and Zerk's killing hands (ripping peoples' heads off), has stopped shooting for now. Zerk goes over to the car Applejack was driving and checks in with their terrified passenger.

Zerk (IC): "Look lady, I'm not here to hurt you. I'm just a big cuddly troll who wouldn't hurt a fly."


Zerk (IC): "Ok, you see... it's like this. Flies have done nothing wrong and don't deserve to die. Unless they're racist flies. Then they deserve to die."

#204: Lonestar attacks


Having been sprayed with bullets from Applejack's truck, Lonestar takes offense and comes after them. Applejack and Zerk hide out in a parking complex.


Zerk (OC): "Don't you mean 'OR'?"

GM (OC): "No."

#203: Remote Control Rigging pt. 2


During the car chase, Applejack tries to take a sharp turn at 100kph. She barely succeeds. She then relays that command to the gun truck following her. The pilot program rolls and fails to get any successes.

GM (OC): "The truck fails to take the turn cleanly and crashes into the Lonestar. Since it's still trying to shoot your pursuer, it lets of an automatic burst right as it hits. Lonestar takes notice."

Applejack (OC): "I'm sure it's fine"

*Next combat turn*

The truck once again rolls to try shoot the pursuers who have also crashed into the lonestar barricade, nearly shooting several officers and cars in the process.

Applejack (OC): "Er.... I should probably stop that now."

#202: Car Warranty


After some fancy driving to dodge a fireball, a moan is heard from the trunk of the car they're driving. Zerk decides to punch through the back of the car to see what's in the trunk


Zerk (OC): "Alright, that big enough?"
GM (OC): "You've knocked a meter sized hole in the back of the car."

Zerk (OC): "I stick my face into the hole and face whatever is inside"
Zerk (IC): "We've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty!"

GM (OC): "You hear a terrified groan. Looking inside the trunk, you see a single body."