
#21: We haven't even started yet....


Gandalf (OC): "You know, about a mile away from where you exploded stuff."
Blue (OC): "Which stuff?"
Gandalf (OC): "Downtown where you exploded stuff."
Wheels (OC): "Again, Which time? We've exploded too many things!"
GM: "I hate to say it... but they are correct."

#20: Compromises


Wheels (IC): "Ok, fine, you don't want me to bring the van, I won't bring the van! If you want me to come, find me the VTOL semi. I KNOW it's out there! I saw it fly over!"

#19: Things go awry


Wheels (OC): "Well that plan sucked."
Blue (OC): "It looked nice on paper at least."

#18: Wheels just burnt a contact


In the middle of negotiations with a hostage:

GM (As hostage): "I can offer you your life? I have an assassin friend who is probably already here."

Wheels (IC): "Screw this, I think I have bigger issues right now... I just got kicked out of my favorite pub!"

#17: Blue jumps into a car like a rigger...


And immediately asks:

Blue (OC): "How many people do I FEEL inside of me?"

Everyone immediately started pondering the many implications of that statement.

#16: A truly important question


After blowing up Mayor Krass's limo:

Wheels (IC): "Isn't someone paying us to kill him?"

Blue (IC): "No."


#15: Things begin going south...


Wheels and Blue are at the courthouse on the trail of some money that's been missing. While doing this, Mayor Krass's limo pulls up.

GM: "You see Mayor Krass's limo pull up."

Wheels (OC): "I shoot it with my mounted gauss rifle." *Rolls dice*

GM: "Alright, you hit the limo, it rocks slightly, but you don't see any real damage. You assume this is because the limo is armored."

Wheels (OC): "Once Blue hops back in the car, I floor it. I then have blue drive while I pilot my explosive carrying drone into Krass's limo."

The worst part about this was that Krass isn't even in the limo. This was his chauffeur showing up to bring him to lunch.

#14: Mr. Johnson didn't need those anyways....


After finding out where Mr. Johnson was being held prisoner, Wheels decides on a great course of action.

Wheels (OC): "Ok, I open the door and toss one of the grenades into the room."

*Everyone takes a moment of stunned silence. GM Starts rolling dice.*

GM: "Give me a moment... I'm trying to figure out just how dead everyone inside is."

In the end, there were two elves who were shredded to a mist, one Mr. Johnson who lost his legs, and a very irritable Gandalf who kept muttering about how this was "5th grade all over again".

#13: Experimental Grenades: Kay has fun


Kay, seeing a distracted guard, walks up to him.

GM (As guard): "Another one? Stop right there! I don't know why this area is so popular all of a sudden, but you all must leave!"

Kay (IC): "Excuse me, would you hold this for me? I'll be right back."

*A very confused guard accepts a small oblong package. Kay, Wheels, and Blue dive for cover.

The guard looks momentarily worried and then goes to throw the device away from him. Too late, however, as the grenade goes off in his hand. This turns a 5M diameter area into monofilament spaghetti zone, shredding everyone nearby.

Kay (OC): "Alright... I hand another grenade to my air elemental and ask it to do the same thing to the other guard...."

#12: Experimental Grenades: The continuing saga


After finding out that the experimental grenades have a chance to go off when rearmed, Blue decides to play with them....

Blue (IC): "See? These are perfectly safe!"

Blue (OC): "I pull the pin out and reinsert it several times."

*GM rolls several dice*

GM: "On your third attempt, the grenade goes off in your hand. Roll for not taking monofilament to the face."

*Blue rolls way too many dice. Narrowly avoids ending up as fine powder.*

Blue (IC): (To Kay) "See? Perfectly safe!"

Kay (IC): "I'm still not coming anywhere near you, thank you very much."

#11: Experimental Grenades, the second part


After finding out that the monofilament grenades can be rearmed, Wheels goes to place the blocking pin back in the pin hole.

*GM rolls some dice*

GM: "Nothing eventful happens when you place the pin back in."

Wheels (OC): "Wait... there's a chance for these to go OFF?"

GM: "Of course!"

Wheels (OC): "You didn't think to WARN me ahead of time??"

GM: "I thought about it... but why would I? Wheels certainly wouldn't have known that."

#10: Experimental Grenades!


Upon seeing an unknown oblong object whip out several meters of monofilament wire and shred everything in a 5M diameter...

Gandalf (IC): "We've been carrying HOW many of those things around? 5??"

*Mutters darkly under his breath*

Gandalf (IC): "Goddamn Terrifying..."

#9: Krass's Crash


After an unusual diner entry method (Large van through window) and a VERY public drone tasering of an *upstanding* citizen of Seattle while onlookers were recording with their commlinks...

GM: "You manage to leave before Knights Errant shows up. While driving down the road, you see several emergency response vehicles rushing the other way. You also se several news vans and Mayor Krass's limo."

Gandalf (OC): "I hack it. Hack on the fly, go big or go home for 3 marks."

Gandalf rolls lots of dice. Ends up using edge to ensure victory*

Gandalf (OC): "Alright. I want it to make a hard right into the nearest building."

GM: "Alright, You see the car veer across three lanes of traffic, barely missing 5 cars. It crashes into a ramshackle building. Pieces of the building fall on top of the car."

Gandalf (IC): "Serves him right... besides, I never voted for him."

#8: Wheels has inspiration


Blue(IC): "Let me search for any large semis matching this description"

*Blue rolls crazy amounts of Dice. 1 hit.*

Blue(IC): "I don't know what to tell you Wheels, there's nothing on this semi anywhere! Its like it just up and flew away."

Wheels(IC): "So what you're telling me is.... We're looking for a VTOL Semi? AWESOME! I gotta find this and make it mine!"

#7: Gandalf the trogaphobe


Gandalf (IC): "Well YOU would know, noodling with trogs. Back in MY day, we just pointed and laughed at their funny noses. #NoRacism #JustTrogs"

#6: The Scarlet Striker Strikes Again


Scarlet and (According to her) her giant sidekick (Mr. Frazzle), were driving away from some gangers who were in hot pursuit. Frazzle shot out one of the motorbikes with his hand cannon while Scarlet climbed onto the roof of Frazzle's van.

Scarlet(OC): "I'm going to jump off this onto the motorcycle chasing us."

GM: "You're driving down the road at 60kph, and you want to jump onto a motorcycle 15 meters away which is being driven by someone out to kill you? Roll Gymnastics. You want at least 6 hits."

*Scarlet rolls 11 dice, hits her physical limit of 7*

GM: "Ok, you make it on. The ganger is attempting to shoot you."

*GM Rolls dice, 3 hits*.

GM: "Roll to dodge with a -2 penalty for not being able to move much."

*Scarlet rolls dice, dodges easily.*

Scarlet(OC): "Now I want to stab this guy, kick him off, and take the motorcycle."

GM: "Alright, roll blades followed by gymnastics."

*Scarlet rolls, kills the guy. Rolls to stay on the cycle, 7 hits*

GM: "Congratulations, you now have a motorcycle. Why am I NOT surprised that this happened?"

#5: Hellhound Happenings


The Scarlet Striker and her friend, Mr. Frazzle were supposed to get into a building, secure some data, and get out. Partway through the operation, they open a door and find a bunch of hellhounds ready to attack.

Scarlet(IC): "Aww, who's a good boy? You are!"
Scarlet(OC): "Ok, so... I want to pet it."

GM: "Um.... roll an unarmed attack I guess?"

*Scarlet rolls an obscene amount of dice. 3/4 of the dice turn up 6's, no ones are shown.*

GM: "Screw it, I'm considering THAT a critical success like in DnD. The hellhound rolls over and looks very excited to be receiving attention."

Scarlet(IC): "Aw... he's so cute, can I keep him?"

Needless to say, Scarlet and Mr. Frazzle now have a pet hellhound that they have following them around. He's somewhat daft at times, but does a pretty good job of understanding German commands like "attack" and "sit"

#4: Oddly specific Johnson request


The GM gave an oddly specific job. The runners are supposed to retrieve the following:

  1. One case of experimental mini-grenades (the case is .2m X .6m X .4m in volume).

  2. One small fishtank containing exactly 3 Hellifish (Do not attempt to handle/move the Hellifish from tank to tank. That specific tank is required).

  3. One augmetic eye from guardswoman Taylor Stepps (blue iris, alphaware, currently in use).

  4. Ten kg of coffee, 10 kg of chocolate, and 10 Kg of beef from traincar 3.

  5. One Mohawk from guardsman Terry Brooks. Lethal removal is acceptable. If killed, place body in engine's rigger cocoon. Forcible ejection of current rigger may be necessary.

#3: Mowhawk Heist


The shadowrunners had managed to track down their target and subdue him (without killing him, that would have been messy and caused.... more weirdness). Now they need to take the guy's mowhawk from him.

Gandalf (IC): "So..... how do we go about this? Cut off his head? That would make us need to put him in the rigging cocoon though."
Kay (IC): "Can we maybe take his mowhawk off without killing him?"
Gandalf (IC): "I'll try. No guarantees though."

#2: Krass's approval rating soars!


GM: The recently released pictures of mayor Krass and a giraffe have been a large hit with the general population. Polls show that the public opinion of mayor Krass rose 20% following the release.