#321: Mouse Goes to Finish the Job
Mouse goes off in search of the freezer to see if the Cyberware they're looking for happens to have been stored there. As he does so, the door squeaks.
GM: "Give me a perception check, and then a willpower check. Target 6 for the willpower check."
*Mouse rolls perception, 3 hits. Willpower, fails*
GM: "You open the door... *SQUEAK*... You close the door... *SQEAUK*. This goes on several more times, and you find yourself *REALLY* wanting to fix this. You also notice a crate that matches the shipping manifest that you're hear to grab, it's literally half a meter away.... but that door *REALLY* needs to be fixed..."
Mouse: "Yeah, that's annoying! I immediately head outside to my car to grab my toolkit."
#320: Graceful Troll Hands
Strata has picked up a lady who fell over unconscious after having her neck gently tapped by a Universal Brotherhood member. He brings her into a bathroom and begins to splash her neck with water. She eventually opens her eyes.
I get up, hands wide, as unthreateningly as possible as a troll...
#319: Magic Car Problems
The team gets into a fight, and the enemy mage casts a spell at the getaway car.
GM: You see a spell begin under your truck and a head poke out of the other vehicle
Mouse: is someone trying to violate my truck in the astral?
#318: Jobs Begin
Mouse and Strata are preparing to finish off a job. Mouse, hoping to get started soon, checks in.
Mouse: "I can swing by to pick you up, where are you?"
Strata: "I'm at an explosive safehouse, and I just realized how that sounds..."
Mouse: "You DO need a stable environment to make them, so I can see it."
#317: Don't Wake Trolls Early
Mouse arrives back in town from a job early in the morning (6am) and calls Strata.
Strata (OC): "Guttural troll screaming ensues"
Strata: "Graawr! Where am am? What am I? What's going on??"
Mouse: "Huh, late night?"
#316: Troll Thrash Metal
How can you tell when a Troll Thrash Metal artist has had too much to drink?
The music starts to sound better.
(Strata's player sweet-talked the GM into allowing a -1 target modifier while drunk after this)
#315: Introductions
Mouse has walked up to a table. Before he's even finished introducing himself, the extremely cybered up orc pulls you up onto the table.
GM (as orc): "Little Friend! Come! Regale us with tales!"
Mouse: "I roll with it, but I"m not sure how I feel about uppies, but I'll take it. You know, I think I'm a little offended. Ok, a LOT offoended. But I still roll with it."
#314: Nice and Quiet Times
Strata is playing some Troll Thrash Metal for an adoring audience. Mouse is relaxing, turned his hearing dampeners on, and is pretending to enjoy the music. Strata finishes playing and looks around for Mouse.
GM: "You see Mouse at the bar, drinking. He's still nodding his head as though he's listening to the music."
Strata: "I shake my head and tap him on the shoulder. I've already finished playing here for the night, and we have another engagement."
#313: Sleaze doing Sleaze Things
Krieger is talking to Sleaze about some decking work that he needs done.
Krieger: "We need this done soon. Are you able to hit the YET and get some passcodes?"
Sleaze: "Yee! I can do that! I'll get them to you Wednesday. Wednesday sound good? Yes. Wednesday sounds good."
Krieger: "Uh, yeah... Wednesday works."
Sleaze: "Anyways, I'm going to head in the back and take a shot of more drugs... the voices are coming back. Later!"
#312: How To Forget Things (A Step by Step Guide)
Having just gone through a nervewracking, self-induced flirting session to steal a badge from Lancelot Windtree, Applejack is trying to recover from the feeling of "ick".
Krieger: "We need something to clear our memories about this."
Applejack: "Yeah..."
Krieger: "Let's go see Sleaze!"
Applejack: "What??"
Krieger: "It *will* make you forget, and we do need to talk to him anyways..."
#311: Do You Want to Hide A Body?
Krieger and Applejack are trying to decide what to do about Lancelot who is currently unconscious on the ground.
Krieger: "I want to steal his sword. Docwagon is on it's way though, so we need to go quick."
Applejack: "Should I stay here? Would it be less suspicious if I tried to help?"
Krieger: "Do you have a good explanation for why he's unconscious with his pants down?"
Applejack: "Uhm.... no."
GM (as biomonitor): "Docwagon inbound, T-3 Minutes".
Krieger: "Never mind that, grab the sword and run!"
#310: Party Planning
Krieger and Applejack have ended up at a dinner party hosted by the Young Elven Technologists. Lancelot Windtree, being extremely obnoxious, makes a memorable entrance. Applejack and Krieger see him as an easy mark. Applejack talks him up for a bit and then decides on a course of action.
Applejack: *Internal monolgue* "I'm going to need an good exfoliating shower after this..."
Applejack takes a deep breath.
Applejack: "Who's going to protect me better than one of our own kind? I did see that upstairs has some rooms, I wouldn't mind seeing more of you..."
Krieger (OC): *Wretching Noises*
#309: Why did they do that?
Applejack is a little angry that someone pushed an alarm button.
Applejack: "I told him NOT to do that. Explicitly! I shoot him."
*Applejack rolls to shoot, the GM rolls to resist*
GM: "He rolls really well. In any other situation, this would be amazing. He's still dead."
#308: Shenanigans at Zerk's Funeral
Sleaze and Zerk's talismonger are at Zerk's funeral.
Krieger (OC): "So... I presume they caused problems at the funeral. What did they do?"
GM: "They both tried selling cocaine to other patrons during the service, and ended up making 10000Y worth of sales."
Krieger (OC): "They bought off each other, didn't they?"
GM: "Yep! They also got into trouble during the reception. They spiked the punch with cocaine, and spiked the cake with alcohol. It was a fantastic rum cake, but unfortunately, it wasn't supposed to be..."
#307: The best of plans
Applejack's player needs to leave the session for a minute after stealthily infiltrating a building. She comes back.
Krieger: "...So, I'll be casting a deadly stunbolt"
Applejack: "I was gone for a minute! What did I miss??"
#306: Cat Memes
You hear a crash at the front window. You turn and see a rock with a note tied to it.
Applejack (OC): "I go ahead and untie the note, unravel it, and read it."
GM: "You go ahead and unroll the note. You see the word 'meow' written down 15, no, 20 times!"
Krieger (OC): "Were you participating in the 420 festivals yesterday when you came up with this??"
#305: Plans A, B, and C
Smokes and Lead-Belt are planning on how to break into a safe house.
Lead-Belt: "We use the decreased security caused by the shipment as our opening"
Smokes: "Fair"
Lead-Belt: "We pretend to be the shipment"
Smokes: "Last time I did that, I got shot in the leg"
Lead-Belt: "And finally, one of us *is* the shipment, and the other two do a pincer attack."
Smokes: "That sounds pretty similar to option two, but it's fine if I'm not inside..."
#304: Choices
Smokes is talking to a former coworker, and asks about a few of her old friends: Roscoe and Regina.
GM (as Grant): "I think he was talking to Regina a few times too?"
Smokes: "What?! He better stay away from her, or I'll have to do a crime."
Tank: "You're a Shadowrunner. You're entire existence is a crime!"
Smokes: "Well... more crimes then."
#303: Meetup Preparations
Smokes and Tank are preparing to meet up. Their preparation methods are diametrically opposed.
Smokes: "Smokes goes for a shower to get cleaned up and make herself presentable."
Tank: "Tank forgoes the shower. He knows he's presentable."
Smokes:"Yeah, he's got that tactical troll musk."
Tank: "Yep! So overpowering that his opponents flinch. At that point, he strikes."
#302: New Toys
Applejack has just found a package crate with the exciting label of "Vehicle mount only". She opens it up and reads the label inside.
Applejack: "Ares MP Heavy Laser Plus: Bringing your targets to you! Warning: Do not look into the operational end of the device."
Kringle (OC): "I take out a small little gift sticker and write 'to: Applejack, from: Kringle' and place it on the crate."
Applejack screams in delight.