#341: How To Make Money 202
Nodaryc and Strata are attempting to throw off any potential followers and wander all around town. They wander down an alley.
GM: "As you walk into the alley way, you feel a gun against your side."
GM (As Dude): "Credstick. Now. 5 seconds. 4. 3. 2..."
Strata: "I reach into my bag and pull out a bomb"
Nodaryc: "I punch him."
*After a brief fight*
Strata (OC): "I search the body"
GM: "You find several small amounts of nuyen on him. He was clearly doing this out of desperation."
Strata: "Now I feel a little bad..."
#340: How To Make Money 101
Strata and Nodaryc are talking. Strata is trying to figure out how to make some money (75¥) to buy a suit, and he's settled on the idea of "whacking a Humanis Policlub member".
Nodaryc: "Oh come on, I'll buy you a suit."
Strata: "Are you sure? I don't mind removing a Nazi from the world."
Nodaryc: "True, but you must do it in style!"
Strata: "Fair point... Let's go!"
*They both go off to buy a suit*
#339: Russian Mafia Shenanigans
Strata is telling Nodaryc that he's not going to be around the Russian Mafia's territory for a while. He recommends that Nodaryc avoid the Russians for a while.
Nodaryc: "What have you done?"
Strata: "Nothing!"
Mouse: "Yet!"
Strata: "I'm helping! I've been asked to help!"
Nodaryc: "Sure, that's what they all say..."
#338: Cthluhlu Fun Times
Strata and Nodaryc walk into the Cthluhlu F'lagon (A bar with Cthluhlu statue in the middle of it). They've found several statues of Shamanic totems over the past day. Strata points at the statue.
Strata: "Oh look, another totem, just like the ant we found!"
Nodaryc (OC): "I smack him upside the head."
#337: Strata Explains Magic v2
Strata is listening to Nodaryc on the phone and hears that Nodaryc's contact has mentioned telling Ares about a nest of Ant spirits since they might be interested. Strata has an idea.
Strata: "Would Aztechnology be a good one to contact?"
Nodaryc and Mouse Simultaneously: "No! Absolutely not!"
*Strata sounds baffled at this, Nodaryc goes in to explaination mode*
Nodaryc: "Aztechnology would take over the area and try to weaponize this. At least Ares would likely level the place."
#336: Destroying Tunnels
Nodaryc and Strata are trying to figure out what to do with the tunnels they are currently in.
Nodaryc: "We might need to use some explosives to trap everything down here."
Strata (Immediately): "I have no objections."
#335: Ghost Ant
Nodaryc, Strata, and Mouse have just had an encounter with an Ant spirit. It popped in and out of the Astral during the fight, which really freaked Strata out.
Strata: "What are we dealing with?? Phasing alien ghost ants? Is THIS what you have in the black forest?"
Nodaryc: "Do you see why I'm worried now!? No one takes the magician seriously."
Mouse: "I mean, when you say magician, something else comes to mind. Do you do any card tricks?"
#334: Hermetic Mages Don't Understand Shamans
Nodaryc is talking to his Talismonger contact about Shaman things (Neither he nor his contact are shamans).
GM (As Edward): "I was trying to figure out what he meant by Eagle. The eagle? An eagle? The platonic ideal of all Eagles?"
Nodaryc: "Yeah, I don't get it either. Do you have his contact information? I need to ask some more questions."
GM (As Edward): "No, I don't. He just came in, bought a garden gnome, left."
Nodaryc: "Gah, gnomes..."
#333: Strata Explains Magic
Strata calls his Russian Mafia contact, Ivan, to update him on the job so far.
Strata: "We found that Mary is missing. It looks like she's been conducting Cthluhlu rituals in her basement, and she's apparently killed several people already."
Nodaryc (OC): "I groan and make a motion to indicate that he should hand the phone over to someone who understands magic."
#332: Shamanic Totems
Strata and Nodaryc are examining some little wooden carvings of some Shamanic totems.
Strata: "Hopefully we can't summon spirits with these"
Nodaryc: "With our luck, we'll summon Shub-Niggurath instead."
*Nodaryc thinks back to their initial meet with the Johnson and the intricately carved Cthulhu statue in the center of the bar*
Nodaryc: "Oh, I really hope that isn't a totem as well."
#331: Bad Magics
Strata and Nodaryc have finished examining a basement where a lot of magic has been worked, including some sacrificing.
Strata: "Do you have any holy water, decontamination that I can use? I don't want to remember being here."
Nodaryc: "Don't worry, you don't have much Essence. They wouldn't care about you much."
Strata: "Good. I'm glad I don't have any."
Strata (OC): "I leave the bad ju-ju basement area"
#330: Stepping Away During a Game
Mouse had to step away for a moment and comes back just in time to find out that Strata and Nodaryc are loading some crates into the back of Mouse's truck.
Mouse (OC): "Alright, so I wasn't here for all of that, what are you guys loading into my truck?"
*Nodaryc and Strata at the same time*
Nodaryc (OC): "Drugs!"
Strata (OC): "Novacoke!"
Mouse (OC): "Thank god Wheels isn't here!"
#329: Gnome Plans
Nodaryc, is talking to Strata, who is holding a garden gnome.
Nodaryc: "What are you doing with that thing?"
Strata: "I was thinking... have you ever wanted to toss a gnome?"
Nodaryc: "Ah yes! I want to see a gnome smash into pieces."
Strata: "Ah, so grenade then..."
Strata (OC): "I start tinkering"
#328: Gnome Issues
The group is on their way to meet Nodaryc's contact, a Talismonger. When they arrive, Nodaryc remembers why he doesn't visit the shop very often.
GM: "As you look out the window, you see several rows of garden gnomes"
*Nodaryc shudders*
Nodaryc: "ScheisseGnomen! Why is it always like this? Why the gnomes?"
Strata and Mouse look at him curiously.
#327: Placating Your Rigger
Mouse (OC): "Ok, so mouse is semi-aware of the drone. He's operating it kinda subconsciously at the moment. Lemme see..."
*Mouse things for a second*
Mouse (OC): "The drone turns and begins walking towards you"
GM: "Does this require a negotiation roll?"
*Strata rolls his negotiation, gets a 7. Mouse rolls and open test for threshold, gets a 7.*
Mouse (OC): "The drone advances on you, gun not looking at you, but clearly agitated. It's beeping heavily at you. You're pretty sure that it's cussing you out."
Strata (OC): "I hang my head, looking suitably chastised."
#326: How To Annoy Your Rigger (Step By Step Guide)
Strata wants to lay a trap using some plastic explosive. He's a bit further away from the door and has to improvise.
Strata (OC): "I throw the plastic explosive with detonator to the other side of the doorway."
Mouse (OC): "Wait wait wait, my drone is there."
Strata (OC): "Oh, good point, my character would have seen that, right? I'm going to throw through the doorway."
*Strata rolls his throwing. The GM rolls on the scatter table*
GM: "So... you throw the explosive. As it flies, it moves a little left, landing in front of Mouse's drone."
Strata (OC): "I put the detonator back into my jacket, trying to reassure mouse that I'm not going to blow his drone up."
#325: Johnson Troubles
Mouse, attempting to have a nice quiet meal by himself in the backrooms of a speakeasy themed bar, is approached twice by shadowrunner teams attempting to meet their Johnson for the first time.
Mouse (OC): "So THIS is why you don't eat nice meals alone in Shadowrun..."
#324: Non-Magic Troll Speaking Magic
Strata is discussing magic with Nodaryc. Nodaryc is trying to figure out just what it is that Strata is talking about.
Strata: "What is it when you look at places when you pass the fuck out?"
Nodaryc: "What?"
Strata: "You look at places when you go to sleep and then tell us about it after?"
Nodaryc: "Do you mean astral projection?"
Strata: "Oh, is that what it's called?"
Nodaryc: "Yes. and just looking is called 'astral perception'"
#323: Classic Bard Distractions
Strata is currently playing classical music for a crowd at a Universal Brotherhood auction and dinner. While this is happening, Nodaryc and Mouse are attempting to get out of the dinner party with a crate of cyberware and a lady who was panicking about people going missing. Mouse gets an idea.
Mouse: "I need you to play something that will get everyone's attention on you. Something loud that will keep people from hearing anything."
Strata (OC): "The audiences sees me smile broadly. I stand up. Stretch. And then I say."
Strata (IC): "And for an even grander performance! Something that none of you were expecting!"
Strata (OC): "I stand up on the chair and start playing Troll Thrash Metal."
#322: Distracted Mouse
Mouse, who has been very intent on fixing a door, is joined by Nodaryc. Nodaryc is confused as to what is going on, even more so when Mouse says a short phrase in between trying to fix the door and points at a box.
Mouse: "Oh, by the way, it's over there."
Nodaryc: "Uh.. what? What's over there."
Mouse: "The Cyberware we need to get."
Nodaryc looks confused about why Mouse is working on a door when their mission objective is right next to him.
Nodaryc: "Oh... Shall we grab it?"
Mouse: "Sure, sure, in a moment! Let me finish fixing this quick."